Reference: ORR/001/2013
Date published: 21 January 2013
Start date: 21 January 2013
Closing date: 15 February 2013
This consultation reported on the draft business plan that ORR developed using its new strategic objectives as a basis to describe the activities to deliver its priorities for the year 2013-14.
All ORR's stakeholders should have an interest in how it proposes to regulate the industry, particularly as it is funded by a safety levy and a Network Rail licence fee.
ORR will be increasing its activity in a number of areas including:
- improving transparency and quality of information for decision-making by customers, industry players, government, and regulators;
- supporting a better service for the customer; and
- maintaining pressure on the whole industry to work better together.
This consultation sought views from interested parties on the above to help us shape our activities and asked a number of questions.