Supplying us


We have obligations to be economic and efficient in our operations, and as such we need to ensure that when buying goods and services and entering into contracts we obtain value for money.

We need to ensure that we follow best practice and Cabinet Office guidelines with regard to competition, non-discrimination, transparency and proportionality.

If you need any help about supplying to us, email our procurement team.

Minimum level of competition

To ensure that we get value for money we need to have our requirements open to the appropriate level of competition. The level of competition depends on the value of spend.

Our policy on working with small and medium enterprises (SMEs)

Government's policy on creating opportunities for SMEs and third sector organisations is to encourage and support these organisations to compete for public sector contracts where this provides value for money.

Online e-tendering system

This system allows us to publish notices, pre-qualification questionnaires and invitations to tender online, and allows potential suppliers to submit any queries and their responses electronically.

Policy on public expenditure transparency

As part of the transparency agenda, the Government has made a number of commitments with regard to procurement and contracting.