We are responsible for monitoring and enforcing the performance and efficiency of National Highways in its delivery of the Smart Motorway Action Plan.
National Highways (formerly Highways England) is the government-owned company responsible for England’s strategic road network (the motorways and main ‘A’ roads).
Smart Motorways Stocktake and Action Plan
In April 2020, based on the evidence presented in the Smart Motorways Stocktake and Action Plan the Secretary of State concluded that “overall, what the evidence shows is that in most ways, smart motorways are as safe as, or safer than, the conventional ones. But not in every way.”
The Secretary of State for Transport asked us to monitor National Highways' delivery of the Action Plan associated with the stocktake.
In April 2021, the Secretary of State for Transport also requested us to conduct an independent review of the data and evidence concerning the safety of ALR motorways. The findings and recommendations of our review were accepted by National Highways and it has agreed its response with the Department for Transport.
This webpage contains the reports linked to our monitoring and our independent review, as well as correspondence between us and National Highways.