Economic regulation

ORR Annual Assessment: Network Rail making a good start to five-year plan but performance concerns remain

2 July 2020
Network Rail has saved more than £385 million in the first year of the new control period 6 (CP6) as it looks to deliver £3.5 billion of efficiency savings over the next five years, however passenger and freight performance varied by region, according to figures contained in the 2019-20 annual assessment of Network Rail published by the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) today (2 July).

Monitoring reporting guidelines for Highways England and template statements

28 May 2020
Our updated Monitoring reporting guidelines for Road Period 2 (2020/21 – 2024/25) set out the information that Highways England is required to provide to us through performance monitoring templates, which once completed by Highways England, become annual performance reporting statements.