
My introduction to engineering

23 June 2023
Like many other female engineers, at university, I was one of six women in a class with 50 men for my degree in Civil and Structural Engineering in Hong Kong.

Improving biodiversity on the strategic road network

24 May 2023
Biodiversity is defined as the variety of all animal and plant life on earth. It has a vital role in sustaining our natural environment – from providing the air we breathe, to absorbing carbon and underpinning the food chain.

Open access market shows resilience

18 May 2023
We have published our annual report of the open access market, which provides insight on recent developments in the industry.

Managing safety issues in heritage

2 May 2023
Simon Barber, principal inspector of heritage railways, highlights the current safety issues faced by the heritage sector.

Our policy on how we hold Network Rail to account

13 April 2023
As the title suggests, our holding to account policy sets out the tools we’re proposing to use to monitor performance, escalate and investigate issues and if necessary, take enforcement action to ensure that Network Rail delivers its business plans for 2024-2029 (control period (CP7)) in the best way for passengers, freight users and taxpayers.