
Introducing our new RM3 e-learning system for health and safety professionals

29 June 2022
We're delighted to bring to you the e-learning solution for our Risk Management Maturity Model, known as RM3 across the industry, who have been telling us for many years that they needed a solution to help their staff know how to use and apply RM3 across their organisations. So, in collaboration with rail industry partners, we embarked on a project to pull together an e-learning solution for how

Marking International Women in Engineering Day

22 June 2022
Thursday 23 June 2022, marks the 9th year of celebrating International Women in Engineering Day led by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES). When asked to provide a short piece about my experiences to help celebrate and raise the profile of Women in Engineering, I had an immediate feeling of “Why me? What could I offer?” - something similar to “imposter syndrome”. I had never thought of myself as