How we procure goods and services


Information related to supplying goods and services to ORR. 

We are committed to economic and efficient operations, ensuring value for money in all our procurement activities.

Supplier requirements

We require our suppliers to meet the following criteria:

  • compliance with all relevant regulations and guidelines
  • demonstrated ability to deliver high-quality goods and services
  • commitment to ethical business practices

Procurement Policies

Our procurement policies are designed to ensure fairness, transparency, and value for money. We follow best practices and Cabinet Office guidelines regarding competition, non-discrimination, transparency, and proportionality.

Contact Information

If you need any help or have questions about supplying to us, please contact our procurement team.

Our commitment

At ORR, we are committed to:

  • ensuring that all procurement activities provide the best combination of whole life cost, quality, and delivery
  • the highest standards of openness in our procurement processes, including the publication of tender and contract documentation for contracts over £25,000
  • promoting fair and open competition to achieve the best outcomes for our procurement activities
  • encouraging the participation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Supplying us

We ensure that when buying goods and services and entering into contracts, we obtain value for money, following the principles of transparency, competition, and proportionality.

Minimum level of competition

To ensure value for money, our procurement activities are subject to different levels of competition based on the value of the expenditure. 

Our policy on working with SMEs

In line with the Government's policy, we actively encourage and support SMEs.

Online e-tendering system

Our online e-tendering system enables us to publish notices, pre-qualification questionnaires, and invitations to tender.

Policy on Public Expenditure Transparency

We are committed to publishing all tender and contract documentation for contracts over £25,000. 

Accounts Payable

Contact details for sending invoices and resolving payment queries.

The Procurement Act 2023

Information and resources about the Procurement Act 2023.