Accounts Payable


Contact details for sending invoices and resolving payment queries.

Where to send invoices

Email address for PDF invoices:

Postal address for paper invoices (by exception only)
ORR Accounts Payable
25 Cabot Square
E14 4QZ

Contacts for payment queries:

Submitting invoices by email or post

A scanned image of all invoices is created, so it is important that the invoice is of good quality and easy to read. We recommend that the invoice is on white A4 paper, clearly printed in black, and that highlighters have not been used. If you are emailing an invoice, it must be in PDF format.

To avoid delay in payment it is important that the invoice is legally compliant and that it includes a valid purchase order number, PO line-item number (if applicable) and the details of your ORR contact. Non-compliant invoices will be sent back to the supplier which may lead to a delay in payment.

The following information must be provided on each invoice:

  • addressed to the ORR, Office of Rail and Road
  • supplier's name and address
  • invoice number
  • invoice date
  • value and currency
  • description of goods and services supplied
  • ORR purchase order number and PO line item number (if applicable)

If VAT is applied, the invoice should be split between the net value of goods and services, the rate and amount of VAT, and the total value of the invoice. A valid and current VAT number must also be displayed.

Please note that any invoice which is incomplete will be returned to the supplier for resubmission with the correct information.

Payment terms

We will pay our suppliers the amounts due within 30 days of which we have determined the invoice to be valid and undisputed. Where specific contract clauses are agreed that vary the terms of payment, these will take precedence.

We expect our suppliers to pay any sums due to sub-contractors promptly and within a period not exceeding that set out above.

Avoiding delay in payment

To avoid possible delays in payment, it is essential that the invoice aligns with the purchase order received from us and the goods and services provided. Where these do not match, the invoice will require investigation.

Please be aware of the following when submitting an invoice:

The invoice must reflect the quantity and price as per the purchase order. Any increase in price or quantity must be pre-agreed with the originator of the order before providing the additional goods or services, and an amended purchase order will be provided if agreed.

If the supplier's name and/or address on the invoice is different from that stated on the purchase order, the change in details must be confirmed before the invoice can be processed. This can be done by sending a letter on headed paper to ORR Accounts Payable (address as per the purchase order) or by sending a PDF of the letter by email.

Method of payment

Payments are paid via BACS, and we expect new suppliers to be paid by BACS.