The Government has set out the need for greater transparency in public expenditure.
In working with the principles of transparency and the Procurement Act 2023, we are committed to publishing all tender and contract documentation for contracts over £25,000. This ensures transparency and accountability in our procurement processes, allowing us to demonstrate value for money including anti-bribery and anti-fraud principles.
- All new tender documents for ‘open’ tenders over £25,000 will be published on the Central Digital Platform.
- All new tender documents for ‘open’ tenders over £177,897.50 will be published on the Central Digital Platform.
- For contracts awarded with values over £25,000 we will publish the following information on the Central Digital Platform:
- the name of the contractor awarded the contract
- the date on which the contract was entered into
- the value of the contract
- whether the contractor was a SME or a VCSE (a non-governmental organisation that is value-driven and which principally reinvests its surpluses to further social, environmental or cultural objectives)
- New items of central government spending over £25,000 to be published online
Suppliers and those organisations looking to bid for contracts should be aware that if they are awarded a new contract, the resulting contract between the supplier and ORR will be published.
In some circumstances, our contract documentation will not be published or certain information will be redacted before publication in order to comply with existing laws or if publication would be contrary to public interest.