Analysis of Network Rail's historic income and expenditure


This analysis provides information about Network Rail's historic income, expenditure and efficiency. The information is for Great Britain and where possible England & Wales and Scotland separately. More detail about Network Rail income and expenditure can be found in its regulatory accounts, which are available on Network Rail's website.

Historic expenditure

OMR expenditure in Great Britain 

Historic expenditure 

Table A1: Historic expenditure for Great Britain

£m, 2013-14 prices 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Controllable opex 1,246 1,126 1,101 1,056 1,060 1,153 1,010 958 964 1,071
Non-controllable opex 329 345 430 362 468 505 466 444 510 546
Total opex 1,575 1,471 1,531 1,418 1,528 1,658 1,476 1,402 1,474 1,617
Maintenance 1,695 1,552 1,437 1,344 1,289 1,247 1,187 1,023 1,025 952
Renewals 3,539 3,464 3,465 3,479 3,669 2,682 2,483 2,595 2,833 3,701
Total OM&R 6,809 6,487 6,433 6,241 6,486 5,587 5,146 5,020 5,332 6,270
Enhancements - PR08 870 499 320 410 522 1,222 1,170 1,672 1,555 1,570
Enhancements - non-PR08 67 30 168 370 1,014 630 753 523 545 1,392
Total enhancements 937 529 488 780 1,536 1,852 1,923 2,195 2,100 2,962

Table A2: Historic expenditure for England & Wales

£m, 2013-14 prices 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Controllable opex 1,026 999 961 963 1,043 918 866 878 973
Non-controllable opex 310 397 333 433 468 435 411 462 492
Total opex 1,336 1,396 1,294 1,396 1,511 1,353 1,277 1,340 1,465
Maintenance 1,397 1,301 1,221 1,175 1,139 1,080 934 934 868
Renewals 3,099 3,094 3,147 3,330 2,419 2,190 2,279 2,530 3,364
Total OM&R 5,832 5,791 5,662 5,901 5,069 4,623 4,490 4,804 5,697
Enhancements - PR08 499 297 397 507 1,021 1,007 1,591 1,542 1,549
Enhancements - non-PR08 30 165 356 906 605 699 483 451 1,152
Total enhancements 529 462 753 1,413 1,626 1,706 2,074 1,993 2,701

Table A3: Historic expenditure for Scotland

£m, 2013-14 prices 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Controllable opex 100 102 95 97 111 92 92 86 98
Non-controllable opex 35 33 29 35 37 31 33 48 54
Total opex 135 135 124 132 148 123 125 134 152
Maintenance 155 135 123 113 107 107 89 91 84
Renewals 365 371 332 340 263 293 316 303 337
Total OM&R 655 641 579 585 518 523 530 528 573
Enhancements - PR08 0 23 13 15 201 163 81 13 21
Enhancements - non-PR08 0 3 14 109 24 53 40 94 240
Total enhancements 0 26 27 124 225 216 121 107 261

Historic income

Income in Great Britain

Historic income 

Table A4: Historic income for Great Britain

£m, 2013-14 prices 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Franchised track access 2,182 1,409 1,479 2,317 2,330 1,636 1,747 1,782 1,684 1,890 2,236
Grant income 1,399 2,745 2,582 4,045 3,947 4,690 4,341 4,201 4,216 4,105 3,780
Other single till 913 964 994 975 975 924 682 709 735 719 725
Total income 4,494 5,118 5,055 7,337 7,252 7,250 6,770 6,692 6,635 6,714 6,741

Table A5: Historic income for England & Wales

£m, 2013-14 prices 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Franchised track access 1,387 2,117 2,123 1,419 1,575 1,607 1,500 1,560 1,861
Grant income 2,274 3,612 3,514 4,264 3,918 3,774 3,786 3,794 3,492
Other single till 927 901 899 856 625 656 681 663 672
Total income 4,588 6,630 6,536 6,539 6,118 6,037 5,967 6,017 6,025

Table A6: Historic income for Scotland

£m, 2013-14 prices 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Franchised track access 92 199 207 217 172 175 184 329 375
Grant income 309 434 433 426 424 427 430 311 288
Other single till 66 74 76 69 57 53 54 55 53
Total income 467 707 716 712 653 655 668 695 716