Annual health and safety report of performance on Britain’s railways: 2017-18 - Errata


In the original publication of the ORR's Annual Health & Safety Report on 17 July, there were some discrepancies within the data presented.

The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) report on health and safety performance on Britain’s railways in 2017-18 covering the mainline railway, Transport for London (including London Underground), and Britain’s light railways.


In the original publication of the ORR's Annual Health & Safety Report on 17 July, there were some discrepancies within the data presented. These occurred because the ORR report was created based on initial datasets provided by RSSB before 6 July 2018. Between ORR receiving these datasets and the publication date, RSSB refreshed their data following their internal quality assurance process. Whilst these changes were reflected in RSSB's report, published on 17 July, they were received too late for the ORR report.

The data series' affected are:

  • Passenger harm (FWI)
  • Public harm (FWI)
  • Level crossing harm (FWI)
  • Potentially Higher Risk Train Accidents (PHRTAs)

We have since updated the relevant sections of the web based report and captured these changes within an Errata and relevant footnotes. Further details can be found within the Errata on page 73 of the report.