Periodic review 2013 (PR13) consultations

Consultation status
Conclusions published
Date of publication
Closing date

Content archived on 16 October 2024

Archive date
20 August 2020

A list of our closed PR13 consultations in date order.

Consultation on implementation of CP5 capacity charge for new open access operators
Last updated: 1 Jul 2014
Consultation about our proposed approach to implement our decision on the capacity charge rates payable by new entrant open access operators (OAOs) during CP5.

Capacity charge baselines for freight, open access passenger and charter operators
Last updated: 23 Jan 2014
ORR and Network Rail joint periodic review 2013 (PR13) consultation on setting capacity charge baselines for control period 5 (CP5) for freight, open access and charter operators.

Implementing the EC4T cost reconciliation
Last updated: 4 Dec 2013
This was a consultation on the principles of and changes to the contractual wording for the cost reconciliation (or "cost wash-up") for charges for electric current for traction (EC4T) as part of the 2013 periodic review (PR13). The aim of the proposed changes to the cost reconciliation formula was to better reflect tariff structure, in particular to allow EC4T delivery charges to be reconciled by electricity supply tariff area (ESTA).

Implementing PR13 - capacity charge
Last updated: 4 Nov 2013
This consultation sets out the specific changes to track access agreements that we proposed to make to implement our capacity charge policy options. The options were consulted on over the course of the summer and are explained in our consultation letter.

Implementing PR13 - charter operators
Last updated: 25 Oct 2013
This consultation set out the specific changes we proposed to make to charter track access agreements to implement our 2013 periodic review (PR13). These reflected the proposed decisions in our draft conclusions on structure of charges and Schedule 8 performance regime for charter operators, issued in September 2013.

Capacity charge for freight operators
Last updated: 14 Oct 2013
This consultation set out our proposed conclusions for the capacity charge for freight operators in control period 5 (CP5), with reference to Rail Delivery Group (RDG)'s proposal.

Capacity charge for franchise and open access passenger for CP5
Last updated: 30 Sep 2013
A consultation on our further thinking on the capacity charge, with a refinement of our proposed option.

Draft conclusions on structure of charges and Schedule 8 performance regime for charter operators
Last updated: 20 Sep 2013
This consultation set out our draft conclusions in relation to charter operators as part of our 2013 periodic review (PR13), in respect of the structure of charges and performance regime.

Implementing PR13
Last updated: 4 Sep 2013
This consultation set out the specific changes we proposed to make to track and station access agreements and Network Rail's network licence to implement our 2013 periodic review (PR13).

Consultative letter expanding on the discussion of the capacity charge
Last updated: 4 Sep 2013
This letter expanded on the discussion of the capacity charge in chapter 16 of ORR's draft determination of Network Rail's outputs and funding and, in particular, on the proposal put forward by the Rail Freight Operators' Association (RFOA).

Draft determination
Last updated: 4 Sep 2013
Our draft determination set out our package of overall decisions on the 2013 periodic review (PR13) for consultation. It covered the outputs that Network Rail must deliver, the efficient cost of delivering those outputs, and the access charges the company can levy on train operators for using its network to recover those costs.

On-rail competition: consultation on options for change in open access
Last updated: 9 Aug 2013
This consultation sought views on possible changes in on-rail competition.

Freight specific charge for biomass
Last updated: 12 Jun 2013
This consultation set out our proposals for levying a freight specific charge on biomass. A freight specific charge balances payments for freight costs more fairly between businesses, taxpayers and passengers, recognising the wider benefits that rail freight brings against the costs of subsidising rail freight that would not otherwise travel by road.

Contingency planning for PR13 implementation
Last updated: 17 May 2013
This consultation sought the views of Network Rail and train operators on our proposed contingency plan in the event that there is a delay to the formal implementation of the 2013 periodic review (PR13).

Electricity for traction charges for control period 5
Last updated: 8 May 2013
This consultation covered charges for electric current for traction (EC4T), including assumed levels of transmission losses for CP5 and how we proposed to reform the volume wash-up.

Network Rail's strategic business plan
Last updated: 19 Feb 2013
In January 2013, we sought stakeholders' views on Network Rail's SBP to help inform our review of the SBP ahead of our draft determination in June 2013.

Volume incentive
Last updated: 5 Feb 2013
This consultation set out our package of proposals to improve the effectiveness of the volume incentive. These proposals relate to its design and payment rates. The volume incentive is a payment to Network Rail which encourages it to be more responsive to unexpected demand for use of network capacity over and above an agreed level.

Schedules 4 and 8 possessions and performance regimes
Last updated: 28 Jan 2013
Consultation on Schedules 4 and 8 possessions and performance regimes.

Network Rail's output framework for 2014-19
Last updated: 28 Sep 2012
This consultation sought views on what Network Rail would need to deliver in 2014-19 (control period 5). It covered the 'output framework' - the outputs we would set Network Rail, the main indicators we would use to monitor the company and the enablers (measures of Network Rail's capability to deliver).

Financial issues for Network Rail in CP5
Last updated: 26 Sep 2012
This consultation sought views on detailed issues relating to the financial framework that would apply to Network Rail in CP5, as determined through PR13.

Variable usage charge and a freight specific charge
Last updated: 10 Aug 2012
This consultation sought views on our proposals relating to the variable usage charge paid by passenger and freight operators and our proposals to introduce a freight specific charge in control period 5.

Aligning incentives to improve efficiency
Last updated: 12 Jul 2012
This consultation set out further detailed proposals relating to the alignment of incentives between Network Rail and train operators to improve cost efficiency.

Last updated: 1 May 2012
This document set out for consultation our thinking on what we wished to achieve through PR13 and how we expected to use the incentive tools available to us to do this.

The potential for increased on-rail competition
Last updated: 1 May 2012
This consultation asked for stakeholder views on the potential for increased on-rail competition.

Establishing Network Rail's efficient expenditure
Last updated: 14 Oct 2011
The purpose of this document was to: (a) explain our approach to establishing the level of efficient expenditure for CP5, including the methods we intend to use, the range of studies we intend to undertake and the work Network Rail will do; and (b) seek views on our proposed approach.

First PR13 consultation
Last updated: 2 Sep 2011
In May 2011, we issued our first main consultation on the 2013 periodic review (PR13). A periodic review is a programme of work through which decisions are made on what outputs Network Rail should deliver and the levels of access charges payable by train operators and other sources of funding the company receives.

Review of arrangements for establishing access charges for control period 4 (CP4)
Last updated: 28 Jan 2010
A consultation on review of arrangements for establishing access charges for CP4.