As an independent regulator, accountable to parliament, we will always take the opportunity to explain our role and hear the views of our stakeholders. Alongside John Larkinson, our Director of railway markets and economics, I gave evidence this month to the Transport Select committee on our role in rail investment.
Like all industries, in order to plan with certainty Network Rail needs to know the funds that will be available to it and what it will be expected to deliver with them. As part of our Periodic Review process we will be determining this. We are in the process of reviewing the route Strategic Business Plans in the context of the funding framework set out by the Government (the Statement of Funds Available).We have this month sought the views of stakeholders on the financial framework for PR18. We are approaching our Draft Determination which we will publish in June.
In addition to the Government funding, there are also potential opportunities for third-party investment in the rail network. This month we published information for those considering such investments, explaining what ORR is doing to facilitate new investment in the rail network.
We continue to work with the industry to drive improvement through monitoring and timely, evidence-based reporting; this month, we published research showing that passenger experience of using Ticket Vending Machines (TVM) has significantly improved in response to our work last year.
Joanna Whittington
Chief Executive
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