While performance currently remains better than before the pandemic, it declined over the last six months as passenger numbers more than doubled and train services increased, but with regional variations.
Network Rail’s Wales and Western region showed the largest deterioration in train service performance from the end of 2020/21. Delays attributed to track failures and temporary speed restrictions due to track condition have contributed to this.
The rail regulator’s mid-year report has looked at Network Rail’s contribution to performance. ORR found that while Network Rail had taken steps to learn from the high levels of performance seen during the pandemic, it still had more to do to build better performing timetables.
To retain a railway which more reflects the train service performance improvements seen during the pandemic, over the next six months, ORR is calling for Network Rail to:
- Deliver improvements to address the issues in its Wales and Western region;
- Continue to embed improved performance management capabilities, and work with the industry to develop a credible plan for the £40 million Performance Innovation Fund. This fund was established by ORR to support innovative ways to drive performance improvements and so far only £7.6m has been used;
- Work with industry to develop a clear plan for resolving timetabling and access rights on the East Coast Main Line;
- Demonstrate that it is engaging on, and influencing, service specifications and the timetable elsewhere on the network to ensure that decisions around performance and capacity are well-informed;
- Update its performance plans and targets to reflect revised service levels and usage across the network.
John Larkinson, Chief Executive, ORR said:
ORR has also today closed its 18-month investigation into Network Rail’s impact on poor performance in the North West and Central (NW&C) region.
The investigation focused on whether Network Rail had identified key factors impacting train performance in the region and had set time-bound plans to address them.
In its final assessment, ORR confirms that despite some disappointment at the pace of progress on delivering certain recommendations, it is now content that Network Rail has shown a genuine commitment to improve performance and has addressed all 25 of ORR’s recommendations.
Notes to Editors
- Mid-year performance letter to Network Rail
- North West and Central investigation final assessment letter
- The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) holds Network Rail to account for its management of the GB rail network, monitoring how it operates the network to keep trains running on time, and how it keeps the network safe and in good condition.