The report on HS1 Ltd’s operational and financial performance for the year 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022, shows a good safety record. And the number of trains delayed by HS1 Ltd in terms of attributable incidents was well below minimum standards, resulting in good train service performance.
But ORR does raise concerns about HS1 Ltd’s delivery of planned renewals over its control period (CP3) that runs from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2025.
HS1 Ltd has failed to provide enough evidence that it has undertaken adequate assurance on Network Rail (High Speed)’s decision to defer several renewal projects. In addition, ORR has not been provided with clear evidence to assure it of the capability of Network Rail (High Speed) to accurately assess the current condition of its asset portfolio and to deliver the asset renewal programme.
Further to ORR’s recommendation when we carried out the current periodic review (PR19), we want HS1 Ltd to seek to set out its minimum asset data requirements and report on data quality annually. It has agreed to do this by the end of 2022.
ORR also expects HS1 Ltd to undertake a more rigorous assurance regime on Network Rail (High Speed)’s project delivery until the renewal shortfall is recovered.
HS1 Ltd reported £9.97 million as the total cost of renewal work done. But a £2.07 million shortfall in the delivery of the CP2 projects and a £3.51 million shortfall in the delivery of CP3 projects, comes on top of poor performance in renewals delivery the previous year, when there were underspends on investment of £1.98m on CP2 delivery and £5.04m on CP3 delivery. In total, an underspend on investment of £12.6m.
ORR Chief Executive John Larkinson said:
Notes to Editors
- ORR annual report on HS1 Ltd, 1 April 2021 – 31 March 2022
- HS1 Ltd is responsible for the overall management and operation of the HS1 network, and subcontracts delivery of operations, maintenance and renewals to Network Rail (High Speed) Ltd (NR(HS)). NR(HS) is also the safety dutyholder for the HS1 network and therefore responsible for compliance with regulatory requirements relating to the management of safety on the HS1 network.
- ORR is the health and safety regulator for the HS1 network. We also hold HS1 to account against our periodic review of its funding, and against performance requirements in its Concession Agreement. We monitor performance annually through data provided by HS1 Ltd against key metrics in the following areas: health and safety, train service performance, asset management, and financial performance and efficiency.