April 2023 to March 2024 was a significant year for Transport for London railway operators, with passenger numbers continuing to recover towards pre-pandemic levels.
We have assessed Transport for London’s management maturity based on evidence we gathered from inspections and other regulatory work.

This year we assessed 14 (out of 26) elements; however, we were only able to gather limited evidence for some elements. The main elements scored included:
- OP2 – Competence Management System
- RSC1 – Safe Systems of Work including safety critical work
- MRA1 – Proactive Monitoring Arrangements
- MRA3 – Incident Investigation
All continue to demonstrate risk management maturity in the ‘standardised’ to ‘predictable’ ranges.
We have continued to develop and build strong collaborative relationships with TfL through regular liaison meetings and continue to provide health and safety scrutiny through proactive and reactive inspection activities.