As part of ORR's strategy to raise awareness on occupational health under our health programme, we will publicise recent cases where formal enforcement action has been taken to secure legal compliance.
As part of ORR's strategy to raise awareness on occupational health under our health programme, we will publicise recent cases where formal enforcement action has been taken to secure legal compliance. We will continue to take enforcement action in a targeted and proportionate way where health risks are not being properly controlled, in line with health and safety legislation and our enforcement policy.
Case studies that show examples of good practice in managing railway workers health are included here. If you know of other examples and would like to share these with us, please contact us.
Occupational Health and the Risk Management Maturity Model (RM3)
How the Risk Management Maturity Model (RM3) can be used to measure risk management of occupational health.
Guidance on health risk management assurance
How to know that a health risk management is effective.
Occupational health recent formal enforcement
We will publicise recent cases where formal enforcement action has been taken to secure legal compliance.
Occupational health work and health effects
An overview of the effects of work on health in the UK and the costs to employers and society and advice on how these health effects can be prevented and where to go for more information.
Health case studies
Case studies that provide examples of good practice in managing railway workers.