This report is a review of the system reliability and data accuracy of two regulatory metrics: CRM-P (Consistent Region Measure – (Passenger) Performance) and FDM-R (Freight Delivery Metric – Region) metrics, carried by Arup in its role of Independent Reporter.
The Reporter team scored both metrics with a confidence grading of B1. B stands for sound textual records, procedures/ analysis properly documented and recognised as the best method, but with minor shortcomings and 1 for data accuracy between 0.1 and 1%. The recommendations which have been proposed for CRM-P are to produce a process guide to support user training, further improve accuracy and consistency and remove the ambiguities in the definition of the metric. Due to the more complex process for FDM-R, Arup have recommended further enhancements to the documentation, including a user guide, a review of the definition and a record of mandated checks.