National Highways performance dashboard


ORR holds National Highways to account for its performance across a range of indicators organised around six outcome areas: 

  • a well maintained and resilient network
  • meeting the needs of all road users
  • providing fast and reliable journeys
  • improving safety for all
  • being environmentally responsible
  • achieving efficient delivery

Our Highways performance dashboard and data tables listed below provide national and regional time series data for five of the six outcome areas. You can also read a region by region overview

Information on achieving efficient delivery in available in our Annual Assessment

Preview image of the National Highways Performance Dashboard front page 

How performance is measured

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are targeted measures. The Department for Transport sets targets for each road period. The second road period (road period 2) commenced in April 2020 and will end in March 2025. Performance indicators (PIs) are used to monitor performance but do not have targets. Our monitoring of these measures informs our Annual Assessment of National Highways’ performance.

Targets are set at only at a national-level although we also track and benchmark the performance of National Highway’s six operating regions: South East, South West, Midlands, East of England, North West and Yorkshire and the North East. 

Regional results are influenced by factors such as traffic patterns and road configuration as well as differences in performance.​