Passenger Information Improvement Plan


We have asked that Network Rail, train and station operators work together under the governance structure of the Rail Delivery Group (RDG) Board to publish a Passenger Information Improvement Plan.

The Passenger Information Improvement Plan is now called the Smarter Information, Smarter Journeys programme. More information is available on the Rail Delivery Group website. This includes updates via its Customer View publication  and a link to the programme newsletter. 

22 November 2022

We have published the industry's report about the Smarter Information, Smarter Journeys programme. This report summarises progress against each of the programme workstreams and looks back to see whether they have met the original obligations set out to us in the original improvement plan. 

We welcomed publication of the plan which should help raise awareness about the work of the programme. 

The industry is now working on the next steps for the programme. 

4 September 2020

We have published the industry's Passenger Information Improvement Plan which is designed to improve the information provided to passengers. This Plan is the industry's response to our request that it works as one to deliver tangible and enduring improvements in this area. It comprises 13 work packages designed to provide passengers and staff alike with timely, accurate and more complete information, and builds on the commitments the industry made in January 2020. Our response to the Plan is also published.

30 January 2020

We have published the results of our research into the provision of information to passengers, including during disruption. This shows that whilst there have been improvements in recent years to passenger information systems, providing information, particularly during disruption, remains a challenge. The research indicated that there was no clear industry strategy for delivering improvements to providing passenger information, no agreed understanding of what good information looks like and a lack of customisation for the needs of different customer groups. We wrote to the industry to ask that it develop a Passenger Information Improvement Plan to set out how it will make tangible and enduring network wide improvements to the provision of passenger information, including during disruption. The research, our letter and the industry's response are published.