- A and L function: refers to functions within ORR Access and Licensing Team. These are passenger track access, freight access and stations and depot access
- Access regulatory information: the report name for the information we publish relating to passenger, freight and station and depot access on regulated networks
- AVG days: the average amount of days across all applications
- Awaiting formal submission: an application that is in the pipeline but not yet submitted to ORR
- Complexity RAG: a red, amber, green status applied to cases based on how complex they are for ORR to undertake its duties
- Consultation: the industry consultation carried out by Network Rail on behalf of the application
- Facility name: the station, depot etc that the contract refers to
- FNPO: Freight and National Passenger Operator. This is an area of Network Rail that looks after nationwide operators
- Formal submission invited: ORR has completed its review and instructed applicants to submit the finalised legal documents
- Formal submission received: the applicants have submitted the finalised legal documents for ORR to approve
- General approval: permits Network Rail and a train operator to make amendments to their track access agreement, subject to certain conditions, without our specific approval
- IM: infrastructure manager
- Influencing factors: considerations ORR undertakes during application review
- Informal submission received: ORR has received an application from an infrastructure manager and a beneficiary to amend their contract
- Live cases: the current access applications being reviewed by ORR
- NC milestone: relates to timetable production dates published in NR’s network code
- Non Network Rail Infrastructure: areas of railway infrastructure that are not managed by Network Rail
- Operator: train operator
- RFT: right first time
- PCD: principal change date
- Region/route: geographical area of Network Rail
- SCD: subsidiary or summer timetable change date
- Section: section of the Railways Act
- Segment: the market segment of passenger train operators, whether they are open access operators or on public service contracts
- SoAR: Network Rail’s sale of access rights panel
- Specific approval: a regulated access contract reviewed and approved by ORR
- TAC: track access contract
- Total access rights: the overall number of track access rights held by passenger train operators
- Total services planned: the number of services with access rights that train operators plan to run on the network
- Total services ran: the number of services with access rights that train operators actually ran on the network
- Under review: means ORR is undertaking its review of the application in line with its statutory duties