Rail operators

Current track access applications

27 March 2024
This page includes the latest documents relating to track access applications we are currently considering. This may include application forms, draft agreements, any related documents and responses we make public.

PR23 legal notices and CP7 price lists

13 March 2024
All our periodic review 2023 (PR23) legal notices will be added to this page during the review. It also includes links to Network Rail's price lists for track access charges.

Channel Tunnel

12 March 2024
Information on the terms of access to the Channel Tunnel.

Rail regulator identifies areas of focus for industry on improving passenger assistance

4 March 2024
The Office of Rail and Road has identified several key areas of focus for the industry as it looks to drive improvement in the delivery of passenger assistance for disabled passengers. The conclusions follow audits commissioned by the regulator into how five operators were meeting regulatory requirements related to the delivery of assistance.